Fybromyalgia, chronic pain and Feldenkrais

Chronic pain is not only a physical problem, but also involves emotional and psychological aspects of sufferers.
The project has taken this issue to heart and in spring 2025 will organise an innovative course for Feldenkrais teachers, doctors and patients to stimulate an integrated approach that can help the healing process through improved movement and body awareness.
Feldenkrais and NACE classification of economic activities in Europe

From 2025 onwards, European statistics will start being produced based on NACE Rev. 2.1.
And this new version, now official, brings a first milestone, a first small step along the path to recognition of the Feldenkrais activity among the economic activities of the European Community.
Best Practice Feldenkrais

The opportunity offered until January 2026 by the project to present the work of Feldenkrais practitioners as a source of mutual inspiration and exchange between colleagues and other professionals. A showcase for Europe, its institutions and all those who might be interested in the potential of the Feldenkrais Method on a national and international level.