First Pan-European Online Event

The Feldenkrais4life Project Team is delighted to introduce you to the project and invite you to the first Pan-European meeting on January 29th, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM (CET) about multiprofessional approaches in healthcare involving the Feldenkrais Method®

Feldenkrais4Life is a collaborative Erasmus+ project dedicated to promoting the Feldenkrais Method® as a valuable resource in fostering well-being, mobility, and holistic health. Our mission is to create awareness and support for multiprofessional approaches in healthcare that integrate the Feldenkrais Method, benefiting individuals and communities alike. 

As associations and organizations engaged in health and well-being, we believe you may share an interest in exploring how this innovative approach can complement existing practices.

Therefore we invite you to participate in this event where we will share experiences, insights, visions, and any questions about how the Feldenkrais Method contributes to healthcare in multidisciplinary settings, basing the discussion on the early results provided by the project.

Why Focus on Healthcare? An international survey carried out in 2024 by the Feldenkrais4life Project investigated several aspects of the professional profiles of Feldenkrais practitioners working in Europe. A few results were illuminating:

  • About 59 % of the sample analysed have multiple occupations.
  • Many practitioners have multiple qualifications in fields like education (39%), healthcare (37%), or performing arts (26%).
  • About 10 % work in the health sector in occupations such as medical doctor, psychologist, psychotherapist, physical therapist, practitioner in mind-body disciplines, and psychomotor therapist.

These findings suggest a significant overlap between the Feldenkrais Method and healthcare professions, and offer an interesting basis for comparison and dialogue.  

We invite you to learn more about the project and join us in building a network of professionals and enthusiasts passionate about the potential of this method.

Should you have any questions or wish to connect further, please don’t hesitate to reach out at We would be delighted to collaborate and explore synergies with you.