Online the interview: ‘Feldenkrais Method and physiotherapy: which integrations are possible’

The first Italian national webinar dedicated to Feldenkrais Teachers on the role that the Feldenkrais Method can play in an integrated approach to health and personal care took place on Wednesday 27 November 2024. 

The meeting, which was the first of a series, focused on the theme ‘Feldenkrais Method and physiotherapy: what integrations are possible’. 

One of the main objectives of the Feldenkrais4Life project, in fact, is to help establish the Feldenkrais® Method within the European professional systems, following a broad vision of health as defined by the World Health Organisation (WHO), which includes the physical, mental and social well-being of the person. 

The video interview is conducted by Sonia Amicucci (Assistant Trainer) and Elisabetta Abate (German Feldenkrais Association) with Paola Dolfi, Feldenkrais Practitioner and Physiotherapist with decades of experience in rehabilitation. 

The interview is in Italian and from the options you can select English, French and German subtitles.

Following soon the next publication of the second interview in German, conducted by Andrea Melita Thiem (AIIMF delegate to the EuroTab Council) in conversation with Feldenkrais Practitioner and Psychotherapist Susanne Herzog on the topic ‘Feldenkrais Method and Psychology’. 

The course will conclude with a third international webinar in English also open to a wider audience: members of institutions, professionals in related fields, potential new trainees to Feldenkrais training courses.

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